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God vs the Kings - Tears Lyrics

Verse (V) 1.
Tears from my eyes
Torn apart by lies you made alive
Breathe in and out
But still I'm dying in your arms tonight

Verse (V) 2.
Tears from my eyes
Torn apart by lies you made alive
Breathe in and out
But still I'm dying in your arms

Chorus (C).
Take me away now with you my angel in black
Grip me in thorns and forbid me to return

Refrain (R).
For I have sinned
I have sinned with us
Cause I hurt you
I failed you my love

Verse (V) 3.
Kiss me again with lips of a sweet succubi
Drain up my world
For you are the only life within

Repeat C and R.

Bridge (B).
Take me away now with you my angel

Repeat R.

Verse (V) 4.
I'm not a chain
You're free now my sweet succubus

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